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TheWPCTraveler said:

Bruh, this is VGChartz!

If there's one thing ioi knows how to do, it's to bring users back from inactivity...

I'm trying to say that you won't be going anywhere. VGChartz has a way of making people...stay around.

Claiming ioi gets access to user accounts and posts as gone users to feign user activity numbers is a serious accusation, you know? :P 

Unless you are talking about some Voodo powers ioi has to wake up the dead or something for which I have no idea. :P

Farsala said:
I hope you will stay safe, and especially stocked up for an event like this. Next time a hurricane is projected, catch a flight to midwest US it's always safe here :P. Aside from the super rare tornadoes and severe blizzards.

I have water, canned food, box full with military food, house made of cement, ice to be bought tomorrow, Zune player completely charged.. yes, I think I can survive for a week or so. :D

I am not sure I would change my turtle-pace hurricane for random and deadly tornadoes. Those tornadoes are so freaking scary. X.X

We all have our own ways nature is trying to get rid of us like the parasites we are, don't we? :D

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: