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Nautilus said:
Must suck to have so many potential natural disasters on your homeland =(

I wish you the best of luck, to you and Shadow, but assuming you take the necessary precautions, you will survive!So I wont worry too much.

You completely get it man. This freaking island is like Operation Human shield for hurricanes!

The position this island has is so messed up that half the Old World, when Christopher Colombus exposed the New World, were fighting over this freaking tiny island. Even the US wanted us for strategic military intentions and thus here we are: a colony of the US.

Every storm that comes out of Africa has the people here like they are seeing a man wielding a machete from a hundred feet away.

We have taken care of that stuff in our house so yeah, I think things will turn out fine but I may be without THE Internet for months which is like living in the 80s... I guess I will dust off that Monopoly set...

barneystinson69 said:

Its the end times I tell you! The mayans were wrong; the end of the world is December 21, 2017! The end is nay... the end is nay...

In all seriousness, stay safe man, and hopefully the storm somehow weakens.

You reminded me of that guy in here that used to make those Apocalyptic threads and stuff. :P

Hurricanes tend to weaken when they hit the land but then it will be too late. But yes, I will stay safe, thank you.

Nintendo is selling their IPs to Microsoft and this is true because: