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Let's face it: the week before MGS4 launch PS3 sells less than 360 in America
Let's face it: Both 360 and PS3 are close to dead in Japan
Let's face it: FF13 is not going to sell 5 million PS3's
Let's face it: developers want RPG's on 360, otherwise they won't make them
Let's face it: GTAIV was a bigger success for Microsoft
Let's face it: Replying to CrazzyMan is like trying to stop a speeding train
Let's face it: wii will win this gen hands down
Let's face it: PS3 won't come anywhere close to 100 million
Let's face it: All three consoles have room for growth, otherwise next week's sales would be very boring
Let's face it: Microsoft did an outstanding job cooperating with 3rd parties
Let's face it: Most PS3 fans would love for all the 360 RPG's to be on their console
Let's face it: There won't be a PS2 this gen
Let's face it: Gamers are whiners

See, I can do that too. It's easy.