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Finally got time to read some chapters:


MHA: Chapter was amazing. Lumillion took complete control of the situation and problems I didn't even factor: preventing Eri's harm. Also Overhaul really is the worst. I suppose it was too good to be true in regards to Eri being his daughter, but that guy is still a monster. Also his backstory suggest knowing about her for a long time. Lumillion's speech about the cape was good too. This is slowly becoming my favorite character. It's really hard to not view him as the successor to All Might in these chapters. His one flaw in this chapter, the SINGLE flaw he showed was telling the Overhaul he lost as in the middle of the chapter. That was moment I knew it was going downhill T-T. Nemoto looks like he is aiming for Eri. If this entire thing 2 minutes before Irinaka lost and Nemoto was knocked out for at least 10 minutes, I hope those 8 minutes was enough time for the others to catch up! 

One Piece: I was feeling a little iffy since the last chapter, but I completely redact that after realizing we get to see more of Dogtooth. Also Pedro! I did not see that coming that fast, but considering his time was running out to begin with, I suppose it wass eventually going to happen. Still its not fair Oda.

Seven Deadly Sins: I haven't read this for a couple of weeks and I left off when Escanor was about to fight Meliodas. Wow that fight was one-sided. Then it REALLY became one sideded. Escanor said suggested something weird in the most recent chapter that was sort of weird before passing out too. It seems the additional side effect of regaining her memories is the fact that she's lost her mind if Elizabeth plans to stay inside a perfect cube with Meliodas. Arthur coming in the end, I hope that means we finally get to see more of the potential Merlin sees. Also that vampire bat looks familiar... They exterminated the vampire clan, but he reminds me of one of them for some reason

Whie I still read Magi, I jumped back into the SInbad spinoff after a couple of months. I think I'm gonna drop it. It feels like it isn't intergrating well with the main story at all pace-wise, and ultimately its losing a direction I was hoping it would maintain. Maybe I'll pop back in in a couple of months.