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DMeisterJ said:
My this thread's grown.

Purple - Er... It's the first pen that I could find , I had Lime-green, but it didn't turn up in the picture well.

Collecting dust - Errr.. no. I'll be playing it as much as I play 360

PS3 - I was going to get one June 12, but I don't have a job, therefore I don't have $500 to spend on that, this was basically bought with Store Credit anyway, with some old games, so it's irrelevant.

Wii Console number is in siggy.

My 1 hour impressions.

I love it. It has a certain charm to it. I've already played five or six hours of Zelda before, so no impressions there, a pretty good game. I plan on buying MK Wii and SMG next, but maybe not in that order.

@ ssj

I probably won't sell it in three months. With me, it'll either be gone tomorrow or never. We shall soon see, but it looks like this is a keeper.

It feels damn good being on the Winning team. Now when the Wii win's a week, I won't feel all bitter inside.

Shall I boycott Ubisoft now?


+1 for not spelling winning with a double i, I loved Zelda TP personally - one point when riding over Hyrule field on horse back and firing arrows without auto aim and hitting moving people was the point when I realised the traditional controllers limitations.

f you haven't got much money for any more games yet i'd seriously consider getting Toki Tori from Wii Ware - for the price it's a great little game.