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ehhhh this is just subjective talk in an article, there is no way to determine if the mass population in Japan who were interested in getting a Switch are remotely at all any less interested now just due to it being hard to get

certainly if someone was willing to wait in a line of a 1000 for a lottery before, then that sort of person isn't going to magically stop being interested (on average).

This just sounds like some bullshit media trying to get clicks and trying to build a false narrative under the weird assumption that it might cause Nintendo to make more Switches

newsflash: Nintendo is almost certainly doing the best they can considering they didn't know how well the system would do AND the shortage of supplies.


Talk about a click baitey article and thread. The Switch is selling out and would probably sell out week to week currently even if it had like 5x the available inventory.  I get people are frustrated who can't get one, but no reason to spin a silly narrative by implying that a sold out item is magically going to lose its demand due to... being sold out. That's illogical and virtually never turns out to be the case. Trust me, the NES Classic being difficult to get hasn't suddenly made those who were interested in it across the board not interested in the SNES Classic.