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Aeolus451 said:
Torillian said:

It's that really idiotic conservative talking point that because the democratic party was the one that did racist things in the past republicans couldn't possibly be the racist ones now. What I don't get about that, though, is the idea that the KKK was started by democrats so the republicans can't be the the racist party now, but then why do the KKK vote republican now? THey decided to mend their ways and vote for the non-racist party now, or perhaps the KKK is still just as racist, and who they support has changed with things like the Southern Strategy. 

The liberal talking points that republicans are racists or that the south is racist is just as idiotic as saying that any republicans can't be racist now. 

The vast majority of republicans and of the south are not racist, but there certainly is a higher proportion of racist tendencies in both groups. I think polls like this: are the most telling for such a claim. I would suggest that only by combining the tendencies of both the GOP and the south can you get any group where 46% would say that interracial marriage should be illegal. I'd be interested to see more overall data on the South and the GOP, and I'll try to look for some later. 
