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Nintendo has been on fire all year long with everything that they do. They have already announced that they would have a major hardware announcement at the coming E3.

Sony desperately needs a great E3 and because of that, I think we are gonna see an ass load of exclusive titles which Sony has invested in making. I seriously doubt Sony will announce any kind of a price cut on their system right until it happens. It would sabotage the high priced consoles for them.

Microsoft has been spending hand over foot securing exclusive content for their system and trying to gain marketshare. They really want to keep their console business alive so they are pulling out all the stops. With everyone spelling out doom for the system even though it has the most market share and the largest catologue of games they also have something to prove.

Basically it could be anyone.


Microsoft is the most under rated - With everyone spelling out doom for the system even though it has the most market share and the largest catologue of games they also have something to prove.

Sony over rated - They are losing third parties all over the place. All of their contend coming up is gonna be first or second party content with the occasional bone tossed to them.

Nintendo will have the most shocking news and the biggest announcements. Everyone has already said that all Microsofts efforts will be in talking about Halo 3. Sony could come out with something, they have been pumping out weird features into their systems for ages now.

Ultimately Nintendo will do the best this year. They have Reggie after all. It's like having Chuck Norris on your team, you just win instantly with him.