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Ka-pi96 said:
vivster said:

You don't get what the point of them is?

There is a reason why in every scifi movie everything is automated or voice activated. Because it's convenient. People will get used to it and in 20 years people will wonder why there ever was such a thing as power on buttons. Prices aren't an issue here as soon it will become standard anyway.

So for people that aren`t lazy as fuck... there`s not much point in them.

Like seriously, it requires practically no effort to turn on a tap or a light or open a fridge. Light switches are by doors for a reason, when you walk in it`s a matter of moving your hand up a few inches and done. Same for taps, the on part is literally right next to the bit where water comes out.

You sound like someone in 1900 defending candles against lightbulbs.

You live yourself in a highly automated world and wouldn't want to have it any other way. You really need some self reflection if you truly cannot get that concept. I'll make it easier for you. Just imagine that everything that is wireless today would suddenly become wired again. You'd see that as a hassle too.

It's kinda silly to complain about technological advances and how lazy has everyone become when you yourself live in a world that people just a hundred years ago would call easy life magic. Why do you get delivered food when you could go to the store and buy and prepare it yourself? Why would you go to the store and buy food when you could grow it yourself? You must be an extremely lazy fuck.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.