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leyendax69 said:
StarDoor said:

No, they really don't.

Out of ten systems, only three match your description: Nintendo 64, GameCube, and Wii U. These are the only consoles whose sales "faded out" quickly. (And in the case of GCN and Wii U, saying that they had "high sales at the start" is dubious.)

N64 and GCN peaked in their first full fiscal year. The one that faded the quickest, though, is the Wii U, since its peak fiscal year was the period from November 2012 to March 2013.

An actually accurate statement would be "Failed Nintendo consoles have high sales at the start and then fade out," because all other Nintendo conoles peaked in their second full fiscal year or later, and enjoyed consecutive years selling 10+ million.

Cool, then again I'm still saying it will sell around 50M which is way higher than Wii u & Gamecube. I still think it won't have amazing legs to reach 60+ millions

What makes you think that Nintendo will just suddenly stop supporting the Switch? Why would it have a shorter lifecylce than the 3DS?