DonFerrari said: |
Actually, nevermind. I had an answer for each of your arguments, but that would just bring us in a pointless discussion that could go on forever. The problem is, politics are constantly changing and there is a wide spectrum of things to consider. 'Left', 'right' and even 'fascism' are very vague words. It's hard to define them, and their meaning can change over time.
So I'll just try to keep it short.
You're talking about communist regimes, but the discussion was about antifa. While there are of course a lot of similarities between the two, there are also some major differences. Most importantly, antifascists are usually anarchist, so not authoritarian at all.
And while communist regimes are indeed authoritarian/totalitarian, that doesn't mean they're also fascist. Fascism is a very specific form of totalitarianism. It's 'invented' by Mussolini and his friend Hitler was a fascist too. Fascists are people who support the very specific ideas of these two leaders. Communists are obviously not fascists, since they hate eachother.