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Honestly, I'd say get the GTX 1080 Ti. It's a great card. Vega is ok. It's cheaper but uses more power, so it may end up costing more in the long run.

Personally, I banked on vega not being better than the GTX 1080Ti, so, eventhough I paid 801 dollars for a FTW3, about 4 or 5 months ago, or whenever, I got to play it months earlier, and I'm still on top today. But, I will say I don't recommend the FTW3. Nothing's wrong with it, it's just 100 dollars extra for being over-engineered, and you'd have less time with it than I had until the next significant release if you factor in the amount of time you expect to own and use it.

If you don't mind noise, you can even get a founders edition, otherwise get the cheapest 1080 ti you can find, they're all close enough in performance. I had two of them, and the only thing i got for that extra money (basically) was less noise. That's what you'll notice most... Realistically, you're not going to see a 2, or 3 frame difference when the games are pushing +120 fps.

Personally, I lock my games to 60, 90, or 120 anyway.