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fatslob-:O said:

Huh ? It doesn't make much sense for a business to pass on easy profits such as royalties but that presumes if Nintendo wants to also pay these royalties too ...  

The worst case scenario is Nintendo creating a Switch without detachable joy-cons for the US market ... 

And why the aggressive tone with your last line ? (oh and neither Nintendo or Gamevice can recall the sold Switch systems either as it goes specifically against US laws)


"Now, unless you can respond with something that addresses that outside of "but it doesn't usually do that" despite Gamevice already expressing interest in doing just that, just stop. I'm not interested in getting caught in a repeating discussion."

You basically make the same redundant point 5 times, not including this post. You completely dismiss people's request to discuss what Gamevice is actually suing over and state whatever you feel like stating. That isn't an aggressive post. It's fatigue from dealing with you.

Which he clearly states by saying, "I'm not interested in getting caught in a repeating discussion."