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Imagine you took the essential overall layout of PSN and added the stylish yet minimalist style of Xbox Live. This is what the new update looks like. Sure, it will be more customizable but its essentially the same layout which makes it simpler to put things in their proper place. Ever since Microsoft took away the snap app it looks like this was the direction they were headed in. Im guessing its a simple and secondary way for Microsoft to stay competitive, since this is the only way they can do it. Nevertheless this should make it easier to choose some really sweet achievement wallpapers that ive been dying to use now.  Its going to be odd though because Microsoft doesnt have dynamic themes, but I like the tab in the left hand and corner (like PSN )now that acts like a mini control center. Its just getting used to the fact that the options are horizotal instead of vertical which Sony is left hand tab is moreso like. Now that Xbox got spotify I can use it the same way as I use PSN now as well. Cant wait until it drops. Its more minimalist and a little less cluttered with media types than PSN which is a plus. All Xbox needs is gameshare and they will be all caught up. :)

Its going to be nice customizing the way I want to see my games though. Ooooo

What do you think?