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HandofPrometheus said:
I'm only watching this anime because I heard Android 17 was returning so that's when I jumped on board during this tournament arc. It's effing terrible. This is like the worst tournament I have ever seen. At first I thought a Batte Royale was brining something new to the table but instead it was a lazy way to get rid of all the fodder universe characters. A regular tourney could still be used lazy but I would rather see randoms be announced out a tourney than see a whole episode or 15 minutes of the episode dedicated to them.

Watching the Android/Cell Arc compared to this is sad. Once 17 falls out which is bound to happen since his name isn't goku or vegeta I'm out.

This is just ridiculous. I wrote better stories as a ten year old lol. It's a cash cow which has no meaning anymore. Literally any show with a plotline is better than super. The worst parts of the end of Shippuden is better than all of dbs. At least during the infinite tsukoyomi we got interesting fillers to show the backstory of characters.


In Dbs all meaning is lost. Not worth watching when it isn't even dragonball. Explosions everywhere, a weird alien, some ginyu ripoff, powerpuff girls, dollar store saiyans - this is disappointing

TorterraBoy said:
Should probably try and watch my hero again but that shit literally put me to sleep, get that good shit in the 1st episode cause whatever I saw in that first episode had me catching Z's

I got interested because Deku wasn't another character with a sad story with dead parents or whatever. Even with a lot of combat, I never felt like it was brainless compared to Super. I recommend you still watching. As with any anime, the first episode will usually by the slowest. Only exception would be Death Parade, where the best episode was somehow the first.