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I bought a PS4 for The Last Guardian – and during the first hour I have known that it was a right decision. When you play video games for almost 30 years (like I do) you somehow get the impression that you have seen everything which could be done within the video game genre. But finding a game like The Last Guardian with such an unique gaming experience is something everyone should be grateful for. I mean, please tell me another action adventure where you don't have a weapon and you can sit down anytime you want to enjoy the peaceful yet mystic setting beside your friend.

I mean, I got sick and tired of video games at all during the PS3/X360/Wii era because of first/third person shooters all over the way and motion controls. And then (after I almost gave up hope in video games at all) there appears a game which completely draws my attention and even exceed all my expectations – and finally turns out the be one of the best games of all time. Maybe not for everyone, because it's a love it or hate it game (like every Ueda game). But let's say it's something special and definitely not a game you can find everyday.

I haven't played The Last of Us, although I like post-apocalyptic settings. But I'm not a fan of quick time events and long cut scenes since Shenmue on Dreamcast – and Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube was already a very good zombie game. Don't get me wrong, I think TLoU is technically a very good game, but I don't think it's anything really new to experience (besides excellent graphics) and I can't imagine that it's such a timeless masterpiece like The Last Guardian.

Probably all Ueda games are timeless unique gaming experiences if you look at the core ideas he wants to transmit. Ico could be seen as the mother of all indie games and Shadow of the Colossus was maybe the first game which lets you feel sympathy for the enemies you kill (and is one of 80 games at the American Art Museum). You should really have a look for the 2018 remake of SotC coming for PS4, if you have missed the original.