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rocketpig said:
ssj12 said:
Garcian Smith said:
@ Kratos: Portal is more of a puzzle game than an FPS, I think.

@ ArtOfAngels: As much as I hate to admit it, having spent countless hours of my youth playing it, Goldeneye really hasn't aged well. The framerate is awful, the lack of a second analog stick hurts the controls, and the muddy, blocky visuals are almost painful to look at. There's a great many better shooters out there nowadays.

@ ssj12: I know you're biased against console games, so the fact that you bolded every console-exclusive FPS on that list isn't exactly unexpected. Also, SS2 and Bioshock are sufficiently removed from each-other (the latter is just the spiritual sequel to the former, and not a direct sequel) that I see no issue with listing both. Finally, Wolf3D, like Goldeneye, hasn't aged well at all; it's basically an FPS in its most basic form, which really isn't anything to write home about nowadays.

So the first FPS ever made hasnt aged well... the mod community says different. As for GoldenEye, the best console FPS ever made, has aged just liike Perfect Dark.

That one thing alone should keep it out of the #1 spot.

 That still does not mean it doesn't deserve a place in the top 10, but i agree #1 is a bit to high. maybe #5?

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