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teamsilent13 said:

That would not be a free market. That would be a socialist or crony keynsian market where the government sponsored school system gets the advantage over the religious and/or private schools. A free market would have extreemely low taxes or none at all into the school system and the ability to choose where to put your money into any school system you want. America already pays an insane amount into the public school system and it's a failure. I wish I grew up in an area with a good charter school. I would have been a lot better off honestly. I was in my public school's gifted program, too which was literally a liberal indoctrination clinic. It would have been better to keep the old way of just moving me ahead a grade or two.

There's already a solution to schools (whether public or private) but it what I'd suggest would be too outrageous and progressive by most people ... 

Since we seem to be the laughing stock of the entire global community in education here's my proposal ... 

Cut every subject that's not a part of Math, English, Physical and Life Sciences ... (Does the majority of our high tech world need to know humanities or the social sciences ?)

Make extracurricular's self funded including gyms or outside sport's fields ... (Never understood the mentality of after school activities or physical education in purely academic enviroments.)

Decommission libraries or not build libraries anymore since the digital age allows us to access more information than ever ... (I almost never needed to go to libraries with a great invention such as the internet.)

Make online courses more available ... (This should be the norm since extra room space isn't needed thus making education cheaper in the end.)

Offer more university level courses ... (Potentially more usefully educated workforce and lower failure rate when graduating from university.) 

Cut elementary school altogether (K-6) ... (At this point I'm almost convinced those types of institutions are nothing more than expensive child day care centres when most people could learn what they need in 6 years with less school hours to boot.) 

This is a win-win situation all around since education is more accessible, cheaper, rigorous, teachers could get paid more and we get to increase PISA scores too!