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sethnintendo said:
Cubedramirez said:

You're arguing absolutes here. Obviously schools like anything else are dependent on the quality of the school. All my children go to a charter school. Now you're also saying the money is going to usually christan schools however unless you have actual data showing that it's not worth even arguing, it's a failed and grossly incorrect talking point arguement. You also seem to believe poor districts are being neglected, how did you come believe this? Are areas with low income people, mostly urban areas, being short changed by funding? Please provide those figures because, speaking about my locality, the urban areas with incomes lower than the median avg have school systems with funding of upwards of thirteen thousand per child. In comparison city spends just over nine thousand per student and the results are considerabily better than the urban area who enjoys almost 30% more funding. 

But don't get me wrong. I like your idea of refusing to give choice in education to the parents and continue to throw money away at public schools which won't produce results. I just like your idea to stay the hell away from my family. 

I just don't want to see tax payer dollars go to private religious schools.  Fact is a lot of private schools are religious based.

"There are 33,619 private schools in the United States, serving 5.4 million PK-12 students. Private schools account for 25 percent of the nation's schools and enroll 10 percent of all PK-12 students.

Most private school students (79 percent) attend religiously-affiliated schools (see table 2 of the PSS Report). And most private schools are small: 87 percent have fewer than 300 students (see table 1 of the PSS Report)."


I believe in seperation of church and state.  If you want to pay more money to send your kid to some religious private school then do it but don't do it on the back of tax payers money.  I don't even want to see a dime go to private schools.  They either can maintain themselves or they can go out of business.  Free market right?

That would not be a free market. That would be a socialist or crony keynsian market where the government sponsored school system gets the advantage over the religious and/or private schools. A free market would have extreemely low taxes or none at all into the school system and the ability to choose where to put your money into any school system you want. America already pays an insane amount into the public school system and it's a failure. I wish I grew up in an area with a good charter school. I would have been a lot better off honestly. I was in my public school's gifted program, too which was literally a liberal indoctrination clinic. It would have been better to keep the old way of just moving me ahead a grade or two.