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poklane said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
Fifa need to put a cap on worldwide transfers. This market keeps growing and will become unsustainable,

I just wish FIFA would completely ban private investments unless it's to save a club from bankruptcy. I just don't see what a cap on a transfer fee would accomplish, they'd just spend it on salaries instead and/or use it to buy extra players.

Also, we need a maximum amount of players you can have and a maximum of players you can loan out at once. Look at what a club like Chelsea does, they simply hoard young talent, loan them out a few years hoping they'll do good and then sell them for a profit. There's 0 intention to have these players make the 1st team, they're just flipping them to fund their 1st team transfers. Chelsea have over 20 players loaned out currently and I'm sure that numbers will rise with the transfer window still being open for almost a month.

I don't mind private investments if there is a 100 million cap on players and a cap on transfer spending as well, I'd say 250 million.  

I feel over time that would mould how much players in certain positions and certain skills cost. No one is going to spend 50 million on siggurdson in that kind of market. Only the highest of the high will go for 100 million. No add ons either. The transfer fee is split between the club and agent fees which cannot exceed more than 20%. 

Yeah there should definitely be a cap on how many players you can have on loan, Chelsea's loan business is ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed. On that note every first team squad should have at least 5 academy players (no idea what the requirement is now) but if there are at least 5 first team slots for graduates they will be more motivated and the less money spent on transfers could mean more money gone into the academy as they will want to make great players that will be in the squad. 

There's only 2 races: White and 'Political Agenda'
2 Genders: Male and 'Political Agenda'
2 Hairstyles for female characters: Long and 'Political Agenda'
2 Sexualities: Straight and 'Political Agenda'