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Hmm. This is a good topic. I've actually put a great deal of thought into this when I was exploring religion in my younger days. My conclusiion on this is not religious though. I think that good and evil are really just romanticised versions of selflessness and selfishness.

When you really boil good and evil down, that's what they inherently are. Think of examples of great acts of evil and good then try to think of which ones are closer to selfiness and selflessness. Just to point his out, minor to moderate levels of selfishness doesn't make someone evil no more than minor to moderate levels of selflessness makes someone good. It's dependent on the level of selflessness or selfishness and a person's motive behind their action if you could call something a good or evil act. I

I agree that to a great extent that society/family life can mold a person's degree of accepted level of selfishness and expected level of selfishness. Since alot of people conflate law/justice with good and evil, I'll give my thoughts on that as well. I believe the role of laws or police is maintain order within society and that it has little to do with good or evil or justice otherwise the laws of the world would be very different.

I think that most people are good and evil or selfish and selfless. It depends on the individual.