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niceguygameplayer said:
jason1637 said:
Paying for third party exclusives really doent help them in the longer run. Microsoft is better off building new studios and developing new IPs that they can own.
The XBX really isn't going to set the industry in fire sales wise and I think MS knows that. At first it will be for those that want the best performance from consoles, hardcore Xbox fans, and tech enthusiasts.
They probably expect it to sell better down the line as a cheaper entry level console that can play ninth gen games with their no generations approach.

Your last sentence could be true, but buying exclusives almost won them the 7th generation war against PS3 and even put them higher in game sales than Wii. They expanded their overall brand and recouped a lot of money in game sales. 

Yea but how many of those exclusives they bought last gen are exclusive on Xbox One? Only Gears of war.