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Pretty interesting how people judge the games and their prices. I would be much more happier in paying 5 Euros from Super Mario Bros. than 70 Euros from NHL-07. In fact i would pay more gladly 70 from SMB, than 5 from NHL...
It think it's the fun factor that counts.

Anyway i see VC and its pricing as a service, which offers something for everyone, for a reasonable price, not as something that offers everything for everyone for (practically) free. Of course, i wouldn't mind if games were cheaper, but the games i eventually buy from VC, have reasonable price. I am not planning to collect the whole series just to show off my friends, or just to feel good about it, i buy them for playing them and i think that this has been the original purpose of VC from the beginning.
And the idea of not changing the games from original is great.

I have also played with PC emulators and it sucks. Never again. They even don't feel like being the same games.

I don't yet have Wii online, but i am currently buying a wi-fi router from internet auction for my Wii and DS, and after i get Wii online, i am planning to buy Kid Icarus, Ice Climber, punch-out and propably SMB (this is how i use my first points card).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.