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A lot of the mechanics in OoT haven't aged all that well. Te game is still very playable and good and was insanely amazing when it came out but best ever? Nah. Not even then. Like FFVII they are both vastly overrated and been bested before and after their release just by titles in their own series. OoT's Z targeting is kinda broken when you consider flying enemies. In fact the concept of Z targeting is dated now and kinda broken. BotW brought 2D Zelda in 3D for the first time really in terms of the world,exploration and combat. OoT took a familiar name but made a different formula which was a different experience. That formula was used more or less until BotW. It took 30 years to truly bring the 2D NES classic into 3D.

FFVII was the first FF in 3D and dropped the traditional setting. That was a huge change. CGI cut scenes while not new but Square were top notch at this up through the PS2 era. It was a very good RPG. Shocking moment when a character died but at this point it's the video game version of Darth Vader is Lukes dad. It no longer shocks us. Even those who never played FFVII or watched Star Wars know this scene. It was shocking then but honestly no more shocking than Leo's death. I also think Legend of Dragoon did it FAR better. All the milking of FF7 and cloud has become mega emo over the years. It's diminished FFVII integrity as a game. Tho sadly FFVII made it popular to kill a character mid game..every RPG did it after that for just became expected. FFIX I consider to be a better game. It's FF 1-6 wrapped in one game as a love letter.  The best character in the game is no doubt Vivi. Even tho it's another the character dies. We know he will for some time and it doesn't make it any easier. It's not a shock value death. It's one you know is coming. You have time to get to know him and the emotional build up is far more impactful emotionally rather than just shocking.

I still feel many people still label them best ever just because it was those series first games in 3D and for 20 years both Square & Nintendo keep milking them. Good yes. Great..sure.Best ever...nah.