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It's definitely worth a look, but considering how repetitive and mundane some of the tasks get and the completely lifeless city (some say it's a minor part, but a interactive world goes a long way towards stretching the legs of this game).

It's not a fantastic game, and it certainly doesn't live up to the potential nor the hype it gained due to Killer 7's merits, but still worth a look and a purchase, you just have to understand that outside of it's wacky sense of humour and art style, it's a very unpolished experience. Control scheme is cool, but it doesn't help when almost everything outside of a boss battle is so "meh".

May sound like I'm being harsh, and I probably am, but this game was put on a pedistal by the Wii Fanboys as the first true AAA 3rd party game that isn't a port and it fell way short of that. On the other hand, the light-gun esque UC was given much less hype and was much more well received.