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Jumpin said:
potato_hamster said:

"How do we make VR more mainstream?"

"Have it interface directly with your brain, obviously"

yeah.... this is totally what VR really needs to catch on world wide. That'll definitely be cheaper to develop and manufacture than a headset. For sure.

There's this little thing called technological advancement. Believe it or not, but it's happening at all times!

I know. It's in my job description. It's literally what I do every single day.

You're still talking about technology that is decades away from becoming feasbile for consumer use at the earilest, much less as cost effective as a headest so that it can be priced competitively. Just look at how extremely primitive such technology is for the control of bionic limbs that cost tens of thousands of dollars to produce, and that just uses the impulses of shoulder muscles, not brain signals. This type of thing might be ready for the actual PS9, but in time before this current fad of VR fades.