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potato_hamster said:
Jumpin said:

Try riding with a VR helmet on instead :P

I think something more along the lines of this:

Essentially, a direct interface between brain and software; where the user controls the motor skills of the virtual character, rather than their own body. We already do this in dreams, except the reality is a construct of our brains.

This sort of concept has been explored in videogames (Xenosaga and Shadowrun), as well as TV shows/movies (Star Trek, the Matrix, Stargate).

"How do we make VR more mainstream?"

"Have it interface directly with your brain, obviously"

yeah.... this is totally what VR really needs to catch on world wide. That'll definitely be cheaper to develop and manufacture than a headset. For sure.

There's this little thing called technological advancement. Believe it or not, but it's happening at all times!

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.