bluedawgs said:
You dont seem to understand numbers at all. The PS4 sold 60.4 million as of June 11th, which means it sold over 7 million units as of June 11th in 2017. VGchartz and the made up weekly numbers means absolutely nothing when we have actual sales numbers from Sony themselves lol. Since we have those numbers, we know PS4 is outselling the Switch by a massive amount. In regards to your pathetic "wait till switch actually gets stocked and pokemon releases, then you'll be sorely disappointed" line, im shaking in my fucking boots lol |
And you also have Switch numbers apparently? Lol.
And you used the last few weeks of vgchartz numbers to boast. I simply explained to you that those numbers most likely don't reflect reality. PS4 is selling very well, but it's not selling 340k per week in June...
I'm surprised how people can still be convinced that the Switch isn't heavily supply constrained lol. Look at the Most Wished list on Amazon, Switch is currently #1.
Nintendo doing well seems to really bother some people.
"The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must" - Thoukydides