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bobacob said:
Add me the names bobcob online:D im alright at the game about 350th in the world apparantly, although i dont know how many people have purchased the game:D we should have a game sometime!!!


exnoctem said:
My MOH name is Nocturne, and i have to admit i havent played it online in quite a while. I was somewhat proud that my ranking capped of at 910 at one point.

And i find that eveytime ive been on theres been at least a hundred or so people and a few dozen games running... so finding opponents shouldnt be tough.

I would be all up for a game in the future though.

 wow you guys must very good ...I think my rank is like in the 100000s score -.432 0_o . I'll start pming people once we get the league started and you can whoop my ass :).

Kenology said:

I suck at the multiplayer. There are some very skillful players on the MOHH2 servers and I'm lucky if I get a kill sometimes. This game has a very popular multiplayer, always many rooms available. I'll play in an organized game, as long as it's okay that I'm not that great! I would be better if the targeting reticle was a crosshair as opposed to some big ass circle! WTF is that!?

heheh sounds like me those bastards online are very good I shoot them in the back and they still manage to turn around and finish me with quick headshots. Agree with the crosshair thing ...wish I could make it a tiny red dot. 
Chrizum said:
I would love to participate in a MOH:H2 league, but sadly I'm on the European servers. I'm not that good in the game, but I can throw a mean grenade.
Well looks like a couple people in euro own this game you could probaly start up a euro league. God I hate those god damn nades like on the cemetary level i'm sniping in the upper area bam you were killed by nade. Those damn people are accurate as hell with those damn nades.