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The_Yoda said:
monocle_layton said:
In other news, HanAssholeSolo actually supported doxxing others

Guess he didn't want people to find out the ugly truth.

Otherwise, this is still a complete mess

Over reaction incoming: Ok especially after this I think they should have just revealed his personal info.  You reap what you sow, you want to be an ass hat racist, perhaps you deserve to get punched in the face. The reality is, I'm sure, some people would do much worse to this guy than that so CNN did the right thing in not revealing his personal info. I do think he should be punched in the arm really hard though.  I just wish people would take personal responsibility for their actions.

I still think CNN is shit

I think Trump has waaay more important things to do and should stay the hell off of twitter.  I slammed Obama for all the golfing and Trump deserves the same. You have a fucking country to run man and it isn't like we're doing great.

CNN has more important things to do than to put a dude's life in danger. Forget him- what about relatives? It'd be sad if his young nephew or niece got attacked by an asshole.



Also, it's sad how often trump golfs. It surpasses Obama's rate by a tremendous amount. Add in the amount of fundraisers and twitter usage and Trump is a flatout joke. However, many trump supporters prefer to ignore my criticism and use the same arguments:


1. 'Lol r u triggered'

2. Bring in Obama somehow

3. Blame liberals/sjw's

4. Somehow bring in immigrants

5. Literally ignore all evidence and criticism


Reminds me of a dude on here who was ranting about liberals, gays, immigrants, muslims, and Obama. Y'know, typical altright stuff. Somehow generalized all Palestinians as violent Muslims who kill innocent Israelis/Jews lol. Once I used facts against him, he didn't respond. Not as if I expected more out of these people.


Politics nowadays is being an asshole while sticking fingers in your ear