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Just_Ben said:
Ah crap, now I want this game :(
You should get it pretty fun single player and great online... Just checked the ea forums sadly the USA and EUro are on seperate servers . That means we can't shoot each other . Still be fun to have an American and Euro league tho .  


Wiitard448 said:
I rented this game awhile back and all i did was play the online cus it was awesome
Go buy it now it been out a year should be reduced by now, so we can shoot each other.
Stever89 said:
I have it, and the online is great, but unfortunately I don't have high speed internet when I'm not at college, so I won't be able to take part in leagues until September or so. And by then my 'skillz' will be lessened, and I'll suck. I was once in the top 500, by now I'm probably in the 2000 range.

My username thing is "RingOfPower" if you want to go ahead and add me, though I won't add you for a while.
even with your lessened skillz you should still be able to kick my ass >.< ....i'm not very good at it best ratio is probably  22/26 . The people online are godly with those damn nade throws.