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The PS4 is basically beasting. It's the fundamental game console of choice this gen. 60.4 million hardware and 487 million software in it's first 3 and a half years. For it to sell half a billion software in that time is actually insane. But get this, the first two years of a consoles life is normally the smallest in software sales due to the low install base. So it's not unwise to assume that the PS4 might actually eclipse 1 billion software in the next 3.5 years considering consoles sell more software in their second half of life. And will go on to do 1.4 billion lifetime, easily I say.

As for the hardware, It'l hit 100 million by 2020. And it's going to sell for $149 to $99 after that making it an impulse purchase with it's very impressive library by then. Trust me, it'l hit 130 million. I'd bet this accout but honestly it isn't up to much anyway soo.

Do you agree? Or am I talking shite?