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Agnostic. I was raised by very religious mother and an atheist father. I was originally very religous, even giving talks at my church and stuff...

..buuut then over time I realized my moms beliefs (not the religion, her beliefs were extreme and beyond the religions teachings) were too overbearing and seemed to be based on fear of what is not understood, such as Pokemon being "bad" or anime being "bad" (because they made 'angry faces' wtf XD), or that I couldn't be a paleontologist because theyre "all athiests that are trying to prove humans are older than 4,000yrs old... crap like that really grated me over time. Then, one talk I heard from the religion was really stupid, it went along the lines of: Men should not wear skinny jeans. Skinny jeans are created by gays to look at other gays and by wearing them youre showing gay people youre open to having sex with them... WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT LOGIC

But anyway, after that I decided I dont care much for religiousness and have become agnostic. I don't know if theres a god or not, but if there is -hi!

Knowing if there was a god or not would be important though. Itd have a huge impacted on civilization if god was proven/disproven. So it does matter