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Competition breeds good things for the consumer, the Nintendo and Sony fall out created the Playstation brand and it created a rival that Sony needed because Sega's main rival at the time was Sega shooting themselves in the foot... and then wedging a horrible add-on into the wound which required its own psu!

Not a single gamer should be upset at the formation of the Playstation brand, if you love Sony and you enjoy the brand then great for you, it exists so you can love it, if you like MS and Nintendo then great, the reason those companies right now are working hard to do good by their customers is because Sony absolutely destroyed both of them with the PS1/2 and to a lesser extent the PS3 then again now with the PS4, other companies are doing their best for their customer because if you want to stop playing on Nintendo and MS machines.... Playstation have a system for you to enjoy.

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