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Slimebeast said:
the-pi-guy said:

The Merkel and Macron are planning for a tighter knit union just as we speak. EU is constantly working towards increased integration between the members. The unified currency was just one small part to achieve this. The ultimate goal of the EU elite is to remove the governments at the state level, and replace them completely with the EU Parliament.

In parallell with this the UN will probably be the organ which in the future will tie the EU, USA, Japan and whatever else we have then together into a super-state.

It's correct that Swedes are still in majority looked at the country as a whole. But if you look at youngsters in big cities, they're minority. And with our current rate of massive immigration it's only gonna take a couple decades until people under the age of 30 are in massive minority.

Out of 10 million people in Sweden today, 3.5 million have foreign background. Recently our statistics office released a projection that by the mid of this century, Sweden will have 14 million people, from which less than 6 million are ethnic Swedes and most of whom will be old, and there'll be 8 million with foreign background made up of young people. Among children and in the child-bearing age groups, ethnic Swedes will be a tiny minority by then.

People accept immigrants because they have been brainwashed and lied into believing that immigrants actually would have been killed otherwise. Which they wouldn't. The vast majority coming to Sweden are economic migrants, and the few who come from persecution of sorts could instead have fled to a different part of their country, or to a safe haven in neighboring countries. Not a single person had to come to Sweden to save his life.

Your segment about what is considered Christian and un-Christian I will save for another time.

I just wanted to show you that social change covers the terms institution and values in a very obvious way. We're going through an enormous cultural revolution that encompasses all levels of society. But you don't seem to be very aware of it, perhaps due to your young age.

Literally no one wants to destabilize our institutions and values."

That's such a weird thing to read in light of everything I've witnessed changed socially and when it comes to values and institutions in so many areas, even during the short timespan of the late 80s to 2017, when I've personally been able to follow politics and change in society.

I'm fairly certain if Jesus is the same person described in the Bible, he would not be on "your side". 

He would go to the refugees and offer to wash their feet and give them food while you would spite them.