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xl-klaudkil said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

So you're saying that selling 60 million consoles in today's market is the same as selling 60 million consoles in an era where the home console market had died, crashed and completely disapeared? Give me a break! lol

Just look at the market share difference. The NES was well over 90% at one point. They OWNED gaming in the 80's. In order for PS4 to do what NES did numbers wise, you'd have to add the sales of Wii U, Switch, Xbox One... then throw in mobile and handheld and still have it come out on top with 90% of the market. Now how many units do you really think that would be? 300 million is probably not nearly enough. 

That's what I am talking about. 60 million is not just 60 million. It's not nearly the same thing nor does it give the uneducated people a good idea of their successes. Nintendo selling 60 million in a market that didn't even exist is so much more dominant and impressve than selling 60 million today that it's not even funny. 

Your trying  to  hard to downplay. 


Wiiu sold 14mill

Xbox  30?

Switch 4-6?

Ps4 60.

3ds 65?


Where do you see the 300milll sold stuff?


60 in this day  of age with the huge pc and mobile crowd ia amazing!!  Absolutely  groundbreaking  amazing. 

The only way to compare eras is marketshare. If we take the numbers you provided, the PS4 is sitting at roughly 34% marketshare. In order for the PS4 to be as dominant as the NES was in the late 80's, it would have to currently be sitting at around 157 million units sold. And again, remember, this is EXCLUDING mobile and PSV sales.

Do you understand now? We shouldn't really copare numbers directly without taking into account the eras and the different circumstances invovled.