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NawaiNey said:
AlfredoTurkey said:

Splatoon has outsold Horizon and blew it's attach rate away. If anything, there's a Sony bias.

Horizon Zero Dawn has been out for only a few months, It had sold 3.4 million in two months. Splatoon sold 1.5 million in it's first two months.

Also no one cares about attach ratio, it's more than evened out by the fact that Nintendo consoles have very few games to choose from in comparison to Playstation consoles. Look at the over all attach ratio of these consoles PS4 has an attach ratio of like 8 while Wii U had an attach ratio of less than 6.5, the sales on PS4 are jusy spread over way more games, while on nintendo it's usually the same few titles selling great while everything else gets ignored (usually cause everything else is beyond terrible). According to VGC there were only 21 games that sold a million or more units on Wii U, while there are already 98 on PS4 and will likely be like 300 million seller by the time this gen is over.

GTA SA had a massive attach rate between launch an a year after on a console that sold more than PS4. If a game is great enough and there is enough demand, the attach rate will bear that out. This argument that there are just a bunch of legendary games causing buyer fragmentation is ridiculous.