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I could potentially be one of those people and without it I would no doubt die slowly and painfully. I am not joking either. Without my heart care my congestive heart failure would come back and most if not everyone here has no idea how much suffering is involved. You start losing your hair. Start retaining water to the point it's very hard to open your eyes and your eyelids are heavy from water retention. Everyday things become very hard. At some point you start vomiting random times of the day and can only eat at certain parts of the day and can only be a specific thing as everything else tastes horrible. It becomes so painful to breath it literally feels like being stabbed every breath you take. Then you start coughing up blood and mucus from your lungs. By this point you can no longer lay down to sleep. You have to sit at odd angles and lean over something with a pillow to sleep. You feel your organs shutting down and losing all your hair. I was so close to death before I got help. I got help my hair grew back (thicker darker and curlier oddly) and I am living as I can even tho my heart is enlarged and I now have general cardiomyopathy but day to day life is fine as much as it can be. If my medicare/medicaid is taken from me all this will happen again but this time I will die. It's a miracle I didn't die from it the first time.