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he's wrong

Like Nintendo was wrong to not have disc for the N64
To not have online and media capabilities on the NGC
To not have HD on Wii
Etc etc

Nintendo doesn't understand that consoles are one of the biggest way to spread new technologies, they need to be ahead of the curve, not behind.

Kotaku actually did a poll, and 40% of the people answering to the poll said they own a 4K TV. And 48%those who said they didn't said they'll proably get one in the coming year.

So right now the market is shifting heavily from HD to UHD, all those PS4pro and Xbox One X are going to help sell a lot of 4K TVs. It's going really fast, and the Switch, is already way behind when it comes to being a proper home console.  It will still be a good handheld in a year or two, but it will be completely outdated as a home system, and third party support is going to be non-existent.

That's the reality, and I hope Nintendo one day stop being such a dumbass, and makes a decent home console again.