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MTZehvor said:

burninmylight said:

OK, what thread have you been reading? Show me the posts that recommend "for original Metroid/Zero Mission, not Super Metroid or Metroid Prime." Not a single posts says anything along the lines of "Play the original Metroid or ZM over SM or MP." If you bothered to, y'know, read the title of the thread and what the OP is asking for like everyone else did, the question wasn't "Which Metroid is the best?" or "Which ONE should I play?". The question is "In which order should I play ALL of them?", so that is the manner in which others are answering. Of course people are recommending that the OP play Metroid/ZM first, because they are chronologically the first game in the series' timeline. Go figure.

As for Zelda's fanbase, what the hell does that have to do with this? Some members of Metroid's fanbase are jerkasses, some members of Zelda's fanbase are jerkasses, some members of Fire Emblem's fanbases are jerkasses, what's your point? Are these all the exact same people? For a guy who seems to be so sharp in other areas, do you really not see the irony of the way you keep disparaging one fanbase because you're so butthurt that I disparaged one that you're in? Hold on, I'm going to go cry in my closet because some members of the Smash Bros. community might not be good Samaritans of upstanding citizens. :(

If you were to, y'know, actually read my post instead of hunting for what you perceive as low-hanging fruit to pick at, you'd see that my point is that Super is a wonderful game, but it's probably not going to be the second coming of Jesus to someone who has never played it before at this day and age, and to not let the hype ruin it for you. But you just keep on lying in the reeds and waiting for posts you can start shit over to feed your own ego. You're good at that.

Yeah, I read what you had to say to mZuzek. Doesn't change the fact that in two Metroid threads posted within the same time frame (lol at you thinking I stalk you, as if a fellow Metroid fan excited about the coming games can't simply be looking to visit Metroid threads and notice a pattern with you two while he's there. Don't flatter yourself) features you and he going to town on another guy simply for not thinking like you. Y'know, like the very thing I posted about? Like I said, you seem to have a thing for going after low-hanging fruit and trying to pick on someone after another poster has already set the table for you. Your avatar features a dolphin, but a vulture seems more approrpriate.

Hoo boy, the personal attacks have come out in full force.

MTZehvor said:

I hope he never finds out about the Zelda or Fire Emblem fanbases if he thinks Metroid fans are intolerant of opinions. Probably go into shock as soon as he opens up a Skyward Sword or Fates related thread.

Yeah you're right, they have. Starting with this one here ^. And I already know the lightbulf went off in your head and you're going to go grab my original post. Keep in mind that the key word is personal attack. I didn't direct that any specific person. You did. So if you want to get personal (and you already did), I'm game. If you want to get the mods involved, be my guest.

First off, it's an orca, not a dolphin.

Might as well be a shark, because that's what you're jumping now, if you're going to be so anal and straw-graspy that you feel this is important enough to point out. It's an orca, got it. Thank you for correcting me.

Secondly, the point in referencing Zero Mission is that if so many of us can't stand titles that aren't named Prime or Super Metroid, why would we recommend playing anything but those? You really think we'd be so concerned with people understanding the backstory of the Metroid series that we'd recommend titles that we thought were utterly inferior? Of course not. We recommend Zero Mission because we think it's a really good game. Most people don't think it's better than Prime or Super, but we don't think it's such a step down from those games that it isn't a worthy successor. If we did, we would just link people a summary of the backstory required for Super and tell them to go play exclusively that. The very fact that we're recommending a game on a mass scale demonstrates that we think highly of it.

Show me the part where I said many of you "can't stand titles that aren't named Prime or Super Metroid." I never said ZM wasn't a good game. I never said people don't think highly of it. I can't tell if you've done so too many times while looking for any little piece of material to try to turn around on me, or if you haven't bothered to really read it at all. Are you so desperate to come back with something now that you're flat out making shit up? If so, then let's just stop already. Like I said, jumping the shark, dude.

As a practical example, if someone asked me what order they should play the Metal Gear games in, I would not recommend playing Portable Ops, Peace Walker, Metal Gear 1, or Metal Gear 2. Despite all of these games containing very significant plot events that affect the games that I would recommend people play (MGSV, MGS 1/2), they're simply not good games in my opinion, and I think someone who wants to get into the series would be better served simply reading a plot summary and then playing MGSV after they finish Snake Eater. The very fact that I recommend a game, even if the reason I'm recommending it first is due to chronological order, shows that I think highly of it.

Cool. Coincedentally, Peace Walker, Sons of Liberty, Snake Eater and Rising are all on sale in the PSN right now.

Thirdly, the reason I reference Zelda and Fire Emblem's fanbase is because your initial post referred to the entire Metroid fanbase as "insular, intolerant, and socially inept," among other things, and to this point, the only reasons you have given to support that are the claim that a majority of Metroid fans supposedly consider Prime the only worthy successor to Super, and posts from two people which, again, you claim are examples of people being intolerant. My point in reference Fire Emblem and Zelda initially is that there are just as many "jerkasses" to be found in other fanbases. Fanbases are going to have differing opinions, and some people will be jerks about their differing opinions. My point is that Metroid is no better or worse than other groups when it comes to this. Calling the entire Metroid fanbase intolerant based on interacting with a limited number of members is, ironically, in and of itself intolerant.

Who said I'm intolerant of the fanbase? If that were the case, then I wouldn't have taken part in the thread. Why do you think I'm not aware of the behavior of other fanbases, as if I just started using the Internet yesterday?  This is you dude:

And I'm like, "Man, if you're like this with everyone in real life, then I'm sure you're all the rage at work/school/parties." Seriously, is every post of yours a condescending wall of text letting everyone know exactly how you feel that the rest of the world is too stupid to understand anything without you breaking it down to them first?

I'm not bringing fanbases up to disparage either the Zelda or the Fire Emblem crowd: considering that I count myself as a member of both fandoms, I would simply be insulting myself. I regard both as great fanbases, and I enjoy being a part of them. However, I'm equally cogniscent that there are members in both fanbases who will be "jerkasses" about their opinions. That doesn't make either a bad fandom, nor does it make them "a bunch of circle jerkers;" it's just an unfortunate part of the internet.

MTZehvor said:

I hope he never finds out about the Zelda or Fire Emblem fanbases if he thinks Metroid fans are intolerant of opinions. Probably go into shock as soon as he opens up a Skyward Sword or Fates related thread.

Just in case you forgot.

Fourthly, if you're going to continue to assert that I'm "going after" another user simply because I don't share his opinion, then I'm going to insist you provide a quote or something else that suggests that I'm actually attacking him because he likes Metroid 2, and not because he was telling someone else that it was impossible to consider any Metroid game after 2 as one of the best of their era. Somewhat ironically, I was arguing against the exact thing that you are accusing me of doing; i.e. declaring someone else's opinion to be definitively wrong. He said that anyone who considers a Metroid game past 2 to be one of the best of its generation is wrong, and I said that's silly. I also called the other guy out for doing the exact same thing, albeit I didn't see his post until it was pointed out to me later so my response wasn't direct.

You started riding my ass because you don't share my opinion. Need I provide quotes for that again? You've also been getting on to me for disparaging a fanbase, meanwhile you did the exact same thing to two other fanbases. Need I provide quotes for that again? I'll give you credit for your response to Jumpin's opinion regarding games after Metroid 2 though.  I agree with you regarding what you said to him. Doesn't change the fact that you saw an easy target and went right for it. Need me to mansplain it to you?

Finally, I'm still not sure where you're getting this impression that I'm somehow concerned with what you think of Super Metroid; like I told the user from the previous thread, you're welcome to think whatever you want of Super, Prime, or any other Metroid game. It doesn't bother me. What I will object to is decrying an entire fanbase as a group of circle jerkers. You can fully expect to get called out if you start a post out with that as your opening line.

MTZehvor said:

Also, if you bothered to, y'know, actually read my posts, you would know that I


said this in my opening line:

burninmylight said:

Listen to this guy; it's great advice. I'd say do exactly as he says.

Don't bother with the original Metroid and Metroid II unless you love old school, archaic mechanics and aren't spoiled by modern gaming anti-frustration features, like actual game saves and maps (the former of which is fixed by save states, but still). Since you're new to the series, the remakes will cover you just fine. You won't be blinded by nostalgia.

But did you bother to read? Nope, because that wouldn't fit your narrative, would it? You perceive only what you wish to, then you take it and run with it. And then you write long, condescending walls of text explaining to the unenlightened masses how and why the world spins. Bravo.

And just so you know, I fully expected to get called out for my post. I just expected better responses to it. Here's a good one:

curl-6 said:

I second those who say skip Other M. It's one of those games like Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 in that the series would be better off without it. And even taken on its own terms, its simply not worth your time and money. And I say this as a lean clean-shaven guy who owns his own apartment. ;)

See? Here's a guy comfortable enough with himself that he can give his opinion without needing to mansplain everything , instead offering a bit of tongue-in-cheek humor showing that there's no need to take everything so seriously. Try it sometime.