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The funny thing about the Wii bashers who praise the Switch is that the Switch is Wii 2.0. It's an updated Wii. Saying the Wii had no games is garbage, while there were the shovelware movie license games like Bee Movie, Hot Wheels, Donkey Kong Barrel Blast, Link's Crossbow Training - it was also packed with lots of high quality games (which I'll get a bit into below)

Both consoles prominently feature unique control methods, with multiple control options.
Both consoles had a lower power than their competitors, but introduced unique concepts which made things feel fresher than the competitors.
Both consoles had a sleek/attractive design.
Both consoles launched with a popular Zelda, and had Mario coming at the end of the year.
Both consoles had a Metroid Prime and a Fire Emblem during their first year.
Both consoles used the Virtual console (assuming Switch is getting it this year) to dig back into Nintendo's valuable library.
Both have quirky new takes on classic 2D platformers in the first year: Wii had Super Paper Mario, and Switch has Yoshi.

There's two things that Wii had that Switch doesn't have: yet. The first are insanely fresh experiences.

The During its first year between December 2006 and 2007, Wii became the home for Rock Band and Guitar Hero during its first year, that was the hottest fresh experience on PS2 in the later years. But the Wii also had Wii Sports, Elebits, Wario Ware, Trauma Center, Wii Fit, Endless Ocean/Forever Blue, No More Heroes, Zack and Wiki, and even Mario Kart in the following year (early 2008) somehow felt fresh and great for the first time since the N64 - and it is to this day the best selling in the franchise, and the single highest selling non-bundled console game in history (third overall including Super Mario Bros and Wii Sports).

The Switch has some traditional experiences, but the Wii had more:
But during that first year there were also more traditional style games on Wii available in the first year: FPS's like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty; the Wii Virtual Console library; sports games like Tiger Woods, SSX, Madden, Fifa; light-gun shooters (or IR in the case of the Wii) like Umbrella Chronicles; party games like Mario Party; simulation games like the Sims; and a lot of third person shooters like: Battalion Wars 2, Godfather, Scarface, and Resident Evil 4. Okami.

The second thing the Wii had over Switch was the sheer number of quality games, aside from the ones mentioned above, there were dozens to hundreds of great games on Wii:

Aside from the year 1 stuff above, in later years we got Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, Rune Factory Frontier and Oceans, The Last Story, Smash Brothers, Metroid Prime Trilogy (for you Metroid fans), Muramasa: the Demon Blade, Sin and Punishment 2, Little King's Story, Smash Brothers: Brawl, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby: Return to Dreamland, Epic Yarn, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Rayman Origins, No More Heroes 2, Kirby Epic Yarn, and Super Mario Galaxy 2. Not to mention the third party games like Force Unleashed (which was much better on Wii), Prince of Persia, Goldeneye 007: Reloaded, Tomb Raider, Bully, and then there was the party game revolution with Just Dance to finish off the Wii lifespan with a smash, World of Goo, DDR, Cave Story, Punch Out, Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, Pro Evolution Soccer, Madworld, A Boy and his Blob, Klonoa, House of the Dead, Monkey Island, Band Hero, Red Steel 2, Monster Hunter Tri, etc.. etc...

The Switch is a great console, I love it! But it is VERY much a Wii successor, and the Wii did have more to do on it than the Switch does. So it's hypocritical and silly to love the Switch but hate the Wii. Even sillier to say there were no games on the Wii.

And I didn't even get into the DS.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.