S.T.A.G.E. said:
Uncharted borrowed partly from tomb raider, resident evil 4 and killswitch similarly to gears with the last two games. Gears didn't copy tomb raider but the other two games I mentioned. Eventually as each game progressed it became its own thing without forgetting to core roots. This is why gears lacks verticality and platforming. Naughty dog created a model that partially took inspiration From raider but coupled with sonys heavy cinematic and storytelling aspects turned into a beast of its own, inspiring tomb raider to be reborn relevant again. In that same breath EA copied sonys rendition of god of war twice (which was inspired by devil may cry). Sony turns these games into their own thing. I'm sure you know Star Wars the force unleashed and dantes inferno. They also copied uncharted as the model for star wars 1313. Since uncharteds writer left naughty dog to work at ea I have a feeling that's the project she will work on.
Sony and nintnedo have developers who have helped inspire and revitalize the industry as well as learn from it. |
So Sony can take from other games and put their own twist into it so can Microsoft.