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Really keen on the switch and supporting the 3rd party games which make their way to it, so far I've picked up

Skylanders Imaginators
Lego City Undercover
Disgaea 5
Fast RMX

Really not been disappointed with any of the ports the system got, Skylanders is clearly built from the X360 version of the game, but that said it really is an enjoyable port and the single joycon play really makes for some great multiplayer sessions of Skylanders on the go.

Really not sure what my next game purchase will be... if the Virtual console was to make it's way to the system I've no doubt I would be shoveling money into it... but right now the next game I'm interested in is probably Splatoon 2 followed by Mario... which is a shame because I'm very partial to the Switch as a machine, I would admit that even a half arsed port of most games would likely get a purchase from me, which is a bad thing to admit but I just really have been making use of the portability of the system so much it's taken over as my main gaming device since it launched.

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