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Mystro-Sama said:
Green098 said:

Sorry to bump, but the reply I made, that I think was to do with the one I made in this thread, couldn't be posted due to the thread being locked before I could send it. Anyway here's the post:

Mystro-Sama said:

Good for who?


Nope! Why should Nintendo let Sony and Microsoft rake in the cash via paid online subscriptions, it provides a huge source of income each month that most people pay for because it provides access to one of the most important features of games. Besides it costs money to run and support an online infraststructure, having free online costs the company money to have. Besides Nintendo's online service is like more than half the price of Sony's and Microsoft's, sure it doesn't give you free games each month of which are 90% of the time games I don't care about and I wouldn't waste storage space downloading even if they are free. You still get access to the online (the only thing I really care about of the subscription), discounts, phone app and a free virtual console game to play during that month which has added online features. Besides people always complained about Nintendo's online and they're only giving people what they wished for, the revenue generated can go towards a better and more quality service.

Anyways Nintendo would of been stupid to keep not charging for online, and only shooting themselves in the foot. It would be a consistent expensive that they'd have to pay for and people would just keep complaining about the quality you get when something like this is free.

I'll gladly pay a small sum a year for such a feature and monthly access to a virtual console title that has added online to it.

Of course everyone would obviously prefer something to just be free, but it would just be hypocritical of me to start to slander Nintendo for charging for online, when I've been paying for xbox live like it's just second nature and a standard thing to just expect on consoles these days.  




Hey I think that's me your talking about! lol. While admit my first statement I was being a tad scarcastic to purposely annoy people because essentially it was PSN's huge success was one part as to what led to Nintendo to create an online service. I never said "amazing" and it's not lies that are not pros to the service to Nintendo fans as stated above, which I never heard you agrue against or prove me wrong by the way.

Anyways everyone was praising Sony for making so much money from paying for online, why can't I praise Nintendo for doing the same?

I thought in the end all my points were good points, weren't made up, all true, but if you disagree please prove my points wrong before writing me off as nothing other than fanboy, as I feel that is an insult to what was my well constructed argument based on my opinion/facts.

In the end all was saying that the Nintendo Online Service had pros. Why was that so bad to point out? Sure it sucks you have to pay $20 each year, but there's nothing you'll ever be able to do about so why not look on the bright side? Xbox Live, PSN, Nintendo Switch Online, all have pros to both the consumer and company, sorry if that's so wrong to say. 



It really doesn't matter who is praising who. A shitty decision is shitty no matter who does it and that goes for all 3 companies.

Well I can't say it's not an ideal situation that consoles are in. At least a heavily reduced price option for just the online access and nothing else would be nice. Free online could always be a thing if gives too much reason for more and more people to move to PC.