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General Discussion - iPhone - View Post

Bodhesatva said:

We'll have to see how the sales hold up. I'm sure we've all seen Video Game systems launch to enormous fanfare, only to settle into moderate sales once the fanatics had all gotten their system. N64 comes to mind (outside of America). If it's still selling extremely well 3 months from now, I think it's safe to say that Apple has a winner regardless of any reservations we may have.

Also, for anyone who hasn't seen this, watch this -- it's hilarious.

Synopsis: woman shows up at Apple store with 100,000 dollars in cash. Woman pays off 800 dollars to get first spot in line from some schmoe. She tells Camera crew that she's going to buy all the iPhones in the store and sell them on eBay. If you've ever been to a video game console opening day, I think you can already see where this is heading :p

i know im late but this video was freakin hilarious..she really thought she could buy out the whole