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General Discussion - iPhone - View Post

I think the iPhone is bloody awesome, but I think in a year or two apple will have refined it, with a better operating system and some better integration of features (as it starts to become the standard like iPod is) and at about that time I will adopt it.

The interfact is magnificent at the moment, but there are a few things that I have seen (haven't used one yet) that turn me off a little bit and make me sway away from buying it, it also seems a little bit 'slow' in menu changes and at raw processing power crunches, which seems frustrating to me. Give a year or two for the second or third revision and we'll see how we're going.

Apple easily make the most user friendly interfaces for systems like that... being a PC user I can't use Mac OSX for the life of me (Microsoft shortcuts are engrained in me) but when you see people using this thing it's just like, okay if you were to want to do something how would you do it if you just naturally reacted, and that's how the iPhone works.

All the tech specs and the wizz bang features in the world wont sell millions of iPhones, if the interface is easy enough for ma and pa kettle to 'get' without getting frustrated then it's going to sell by the bazillions... I want to give one to my mum and see how she goes with it to see my judgement on sales potential (ipod level? maybe).