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Whoa! Where did that rant come from?!
Your analogy is very, very flawed, and you cannot compare people to games in that specific manner.
Does that mean people who own a HD console are all the women-in-every-port kind of person?
In games, better graphics will mean a higher level of tolerance from a lot of gamers, because it becomes easier to overlook some flaws in gameplay. This can hardly be compared to a relationship, where this tolerance for your partners personality flaws should be completely dependant from your partners looks. You don't stick with someone who are beautiful, but an asshole. They can have other compensating factors in their personality, but not in looks.
In a relationship you can "change" your partner (i.e. make them lose weight, quit smoking etc.), things that can work for the better of the realtionship, but you can't change how the game is. My self as an example, I could never ever hook up with a smoker and not try to make her quit smoking, but that doesn't mean that she has a bad personality or that she is beautiful. I can't stop a game from sucking, and if it sucks, I will most likely never touch it again.