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General Discussion - iPhone - View Post

abrader said:
Correction to this thread - The iPhone is a computer running Mobile OS X.

Its basically a tablet Mac desktop apps and a phone app....

The ATT EDGE speeds are fine. Additionally the iPhone can make use of WAP's for 802.11 b/g internet scans and auto connects as needed, it also turns off wifi when idle to save battery....

 First eab, I'm gonna start with you.

Why do I pick on AT&T? I call them cingular because that's who I dealt with, and those are the same plans in service today.

They are expensive, slow, and did I mention expensive for what you get. Sure their the biggest. But I got scammed by their insurance, I got fucked 3 times by their warrenty exchange, and got screwed by a few big bills from them fucking up my roll-over minutes. Basically I've been fucked by Cingular around 5-10 times. In all honesty, they are the only corperate company I wish would burn in HELL. Microsoft is a MUCH better company than them. At least they keep the customer half-way happy.

I have dealt with every data-plan Cingular has to offer, and used quite a few of them. Untill they some-how fucked up my data-plan, plan. And sent me a 2000$ bill, when I had unlimited internet. (fuck you cingular)

I canned my data-plan when that happend. But it was an EDGE plan.

I'll say this about EDGE right now, really fast. It's ISDN speeds. 10-20kbps.

Just about right for browing a WAP page. Best viewed on a 320x240 pixel LCD screen. Works just fine with black-and-white, as it does with the new beautiful screens. Screw the massive beautiful screen on the iPhone.

To surf the web, with, say, a phone, actually... surfing the... well... web. (duh)  Let me tell you this. The average You-Tube video is around 8megs. Or roughly 2megs/minute. Now, let's quarter the resolution. Now, we are running 1meg/minute. Anything below that, and you wouldnt be able to tell a white man, from a black man. Now, the average youtube video is around 4megs. Or on the iPhone, you are looking at a 6-7 minute download. For a 4minute video, that is such low quality you can BARELY (but you can) Tell the diffrence from a black man and a white man.

Now, my phone, a Sanyo M1, running on the sprintPCS network, I could download that video in 40seconds. Or download the actual full resolution video in around 80seconds. Well under half the time it takes to play it. So it can easily stream a youtube video.

Moral of the story. The iphone, with it's amazing screen quality, resolution, and high resolution video features. You better transfer them to your iPhone at home. Becuase your dataplan is too damn slow.

I can download songs off the sprint music store to my phone, in about 20-30 seconds. Yes, think iTunes, but for cell phones. 99cents a song. 40 seconds it is saved to my phone. Now it dont stop there. I can download it to my PC as well, so I can archive it.

Moral of the story, even though the iPhone wipes your ass for you when you take a dump, and AT&T has the worst plans in the industry for price, as well as the fact they have the worst data-network in the industry, They have the most data-plan intensive phone. (god, I bet it's slow to surf the web on that thing... wait, it is)

Yes, the iPhone is running OSX. I knew that 2 months ago. Did you?
Yes, the iPhone has WiFi in it. It's not WAPS. WAP is 'wireless access protocol' it's like HTTP, but it's for wireless phones. Learn your network protocols.
Yes, the iPhone is only useful when useing WiFi. So for me, a trucker, tell me. Can I check my e-mail at a truck-stop on a notebook, at broadband speeds? Oh, wait, they dont offer wifi for free.

Basically the iPhone is amazing hardware, with defective network.


Shams - if the iPhone is roughly 2x faster on the CPU than the PSP, and 2x faster on the graphics chip as well, that would make the iPhone about as fast as a PS2. Due to that, the internal 1200mAH battery would last in the ballpark of 1 hour. As doubling the speed more than doubles the power consumption. So you would have between 1 hour to 2 hours of gameplay. Better bring a battery jack, and an ice-pack for the burns it will leave on your hands.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!