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lol, lets be real, the 60s Celtics would get thrashed by multiple teams. The 80s Lakers/Celtics, probably the Bad Boy Pistons, definitely the 90s Bulls, the Shaq-Kobe Lakers, the current Warriors would all beat them.

Basketball just has evolved a long way from the 1960s and there's nothing wrong with admitting that. The Russell Celtics wouldn't know how to even guard half the modern day players, they'd never have seen anyone like Shaq, Jordan, Durant, Curry, etc. they'd have no answer for their offensive sets, or the physical play of certain teams and the sheer size of many teams either.

They're a tiny team by modern basketball standards too 

Russell - 6'10 

Cousy - 6'1

K.C. Jones - 6'1

Sam Jones - 6'4

Havlicek - 6'5

Heinhson - 6'7

Sanders - 6'6 (power forward)

They had like one regular over 6'10. They'd get killed IMO, sorry I know nostalgia is a hell of a drug, but some things get better with time and you can say that about other sports too. The 1960s NHL Stanley Cup champions (Leafs/Habs) would get murdered playing just about any modern NHL team. 

The 60s Celtics put into modern basketball would be the smallest and one of the least athletic teams in the league.