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It depends on subjects. When we look at movies I'm very tired of the non-originality from Hollywood. It seems like they basically ran out of ideas. Most blockbuster movies are either comic book films or remakes. I wish there were more movies that actually set the focus on story instead of shiny effects. Movies like The Revenant, for example. Great story!

I don't give two fucks about fashion. I rather despise people that follow sudden trends popping up and try to be cool when they blend together with everyone else. I just wear suits at work because I like them and in my free time I'm the jeans and shirt guy.

In music, though, I really enjoy a certain 80s vibe at the moment.

Now gaming is where nostalgia hits me the hardest! Out of 7 games I own on the Switch 5 are hardcore oldschool stuff (USFII, Bomberman, Blaster Master Zero, Wonder Boy and Puyo Puyo x Tetris). I am really really really looking forward to Sonic Mania and Project Octopath Traveler next. And on top of that I enjoy the NES classic sooo much! Actually it is a very happy time for me right now as a gamer and I wish this trend continues for a while.